Tuesday, May 1, 2012


The lesson plan I chose utilizes a multi-media approach to learning the specific content area. Originally, the lesson only provided one approach to learn the content, but after adaptations were made for inclusion, it was transformed into a lesson containing 2 different approaches to teaching the same content; one is dependent on the teacher, the other is dependent on an interactive website. The website allows the students to activate and use technology to review, and even further explore the lessons taught in the classroom based on music theory. This lesson is used for beginning to learn the different intervals, which is a more advanced lesson, but not so advanced that it could be over the student's head. The website offers many more lessons and exercises for the student to explore as then learn about the different elements of music theory including intervals, clefs, note names, recognizing, reading, writing, and hearing chords, piano skills, etc etc.


Row 3
Row 3 is the starting row in my document. The technologies utilized in this row are electric keyboard or virtual keyboard if electric is not available, speakers, computer or internet accessible device (laptop, iPad, tablet). In this teaching strategy, the keyboard, be it virtual or not, is used to produce the different types of intervals the instructor is presenting. The instructor presents the intervals orally, while also playing them on the keyboard. The students listen, and are then required to color in the corresponding notes of those intervals on a provided print out of the keys on a keyboard. With this activity, the students are exploring an element of music (intervals) through verbal and written responses (coloring in the intervals, sharing their answers), to diverse aural prompts (playing an interval or giving the name of the interval for the students to identify.

Row 4
Row 4 technologies consist of a virtual keyboard (this time for the student), speakers, headphones, and internet access. This is the first row that establishes the two different styles of teaching the same content. The technologies are used mainly by the student to access the website www.musictheory.net . Through this website, the student is able to view (by color coordination, just like they did in the previous activity) different intervals. The student is then required to click on the correct, corresponding interval option. The only problem with this activity, is that the site does not play the interval, but there is a virtual keyboard option at the top of the exercise. This allows the student to click on the specific keys of the keyboard to play the shaded notes of the interval to further support their answers. Throughout the activity, the teacher is administrating the use of the computers, making sure all the students are on task, while also being able to assess the students, making sure they understand the different intervals. Through this activity, the students are recognizing and naming a variety of music elements using appropriate vocabulary (the correct names of the intervals) while advocating and practicing safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology (teacher guided internet use) They are also selecting and using applications effectively and productively (the virtual keyboard option on the website, and the website itself.)

Row 5
Row 5 is somewhat of a continuation of Row 4. A difference is that the students can now be prompted with a specific interval, and can then use the technologies (computer, speakers, headphones, internet access) to utilize the virtual keyboard and play, out loud, the corresponding notes to the provided interval. This is a great way to get the students working together to problem solve and come up with a certain solution while working in groups to provide a correct answer. Because there is more than one solution to these prompts (for example a P5, or perfect 5th, could be C-G, D-A, F-C, etc.) the students are also providing multiple "solutions" to the problem. Through this exercise, the students are demonstrating the basic concepts of intervals (choosing and playing correct intervals), while also understanding and using technology systems (using the virtual keyboard provided on the website to play their own intervals).

Row 6 & 7 are further continuations of the overall lesson, providing different standards for, generally, the same activities. I included a NETS-S standard on its own because I believe that the standard stands alone in the lesson, being a major part of re-teaching the information. The students must use the internet, computer and vital keyboard to establish answers, and use the we site effectively to solve problems. Problems being how to build, recognize, and play certain intervals.

The assessments in this matrix are located in 4a, 5a, and 7a. The assessment in 4a consists of the teacher chaperoning the activities on the computer. The teacher is able to see what the students are doing. They can see that the students are correctly activating the website, considering answers, using what they learn to complete the exercises and revisiting the lessons tab to review information. In 5a, the assessment consists of having the students answer questions by using their virtual keyboard. The keyboard are presented with a little more than an octave range. The students can then play their answers to the oral prompts the teaching is giving. With this, the student can see all the different possible answers to one prompt as well as being able to here and audiate the answers. The assessment in 7a is basically just for technology. Since the NETS-S are being implemented in public schools, its important to include an assessment just for the technology portions of a lesson or activity. With this, the teacher can see that the students are safely, and correctly using the technology. If the students are struggling, they can connect with their peers and problem solve together to figure out any issues the face while using the technology (the computer, or the virtual keyboard.)

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