Saturday, January 21, 2012

Interactivity #1

Three Most Influential Communication Techonologies:

1. Computer/Laptop
2. Cell Phone
3. Ipod

These three techonologies have most certainly had an inpact on my life as well as taking a huge part in shaping my life. I have vivid memories of being one of the last of my friends to set up a myspace, as well has spending hours using the computer to chat with my friends on AIM because I wasn't allowed to use the phone for such a long period of time. When I finally got my cell phone, I remember having trouble keeping my text message rates down, and then I finally got my Ipod touch, which enabled me to be on AIM at all hours of the night talking with friends, I would get in trouble for keeping the internet on all night long. But thanks to these different types of technology, I feel that I am well versed and educated when it comes to using any kind of technology as well as being able to teach using technology.

The way I learn new information is through many different ways; being told, verbal communication, books, figuring it out on my own, or from the internet (videos, blogs, vlogs,websites, etc.) The impact all of these technologies has had on my ability to learn new information has been substantial in both the speed at which I can learn or hear about the new information and in the truth of the information (the amount of correct information and facts as opposed to opinions and assumptions).

When it comes to the videos, I feel that there are many similarities in the types of uses when compared to the students in the second video as we as Erica from the first video. But, I feel that the biggest difference has to do with age and where I am in my life compared to where those students and Erica is in hers. Most of the students from the second video were from High Tech High School, and Erica was in High School as well, I believe. I feel that in High School, though technology is used as a source of learning and completeing assignments, it is not as big as a communications resource as it is in college. In college, for example, I feel there is an equal amount of verbal communication as well as technology based communication amongst peers and professors. We also have online classes in which communication is only taking place through technology. So, I feel that the uses of techology in college are more geared towards academics and the uses of technology in High School are more geared towards non-academic communication.


  1. I agree with your analysis of how technology is used in high school vs College. In high school, technology was a way of contacting friends, keeping up with the latest fads and celebrity gossip, and creating drama, whereas in college it is used for research, homework, and using technology in your field (how we use Finale, Sibelius, GarageBand, Logic, ProTools, etc) to enhance how we work.
    Like you, I was always the last one of my friends to keep up technologically. I was the last person to get a cell phone, the last one with a Facebook, the last one to get my own computer. However, I had a music notation software on my home desktop when I was in elementary school. I used to experiment with my keyboard (hooked into the computer) recording whatever I felt like, then editing the notes on the computer to make it sound good.
    My first cell phone bill did not fit in the mail slit. The mailman had to ring the doorbell and hand it to my dad, who proceeded to sign me up for the unlimited texting plan. Our generation clearly relies more heavily on passive ways of communicating then face-to-face relationships. Kind of sad, really. *tear*

  2. Hi Linsay,
    I liked your observation of how Olivia and the students in the second video came from different school backgrounds. You highlighted the important fact that the second group of students attended a technology-based school. However, I interpreted their views on technology somewhat differently than you did. They did indeed rely on technology heavily for social interaction and leisure, but they were also very aware of the ways in which they used their tech skills to develop meaningful learning. Their realization that technology was a useful learning vehicle was probably due to the nature of their curriculum, whereas Olivia's school was less technologically driven. She acquired her skills largely by her own experimentation and curiosity.

  3. Technology certainly has the effect of enabling us to learn information at any particular time, at a dynamic pace. One is able to fuel one's personal & intellectual growth with the infinite sources of knowledge that can be found on the World Wide Web. As I believe I mentioned in a previous comment, today's youth needs to be instructed on how to use technology for the purpose of academic learning. Not all the content we find online is 100% accurate however. As a student one has to be aware of what kinds of information can be considered legitimate or not. Technology can sometimes serve as a distraction for certain individuals. I know of people that text,listen to music, & go online when they supposedly are to be studying or working on an assignment. Like with all things in life, technology can serve as a hindrance instead of a blessing, if you allow it to replace your true priorities!

  4. i was also the last person who got any piece of technology. Didn't get a phone until high school and kept the same phone for ever. Even now, all my phone does is call and text. No email, no blackboard checking. The only sort of technology I kept up with was with music production software. As much as it pains me to shell out anywhere between 500 to 1000 dollars for software and equipment, with it, I make far much more money. It's an investment.

    You actually mentioned something that I might try to tackle in a separate post. You mentioned that you have the ability to separate fact from fiction on the internet. The great thing about free speech is that it's uninhibited. The bad thing about free speech is that anyone with an internet connection can open their (e-)mouths. So my question really do we know what's real and what's not? I certainly don't remember specifically being taught that. Yet somehow, I know.


  5. Linsay, welcome to the class! Glad to see that you have been working ahead. I like how you have made connections to the videos in your blog. How do you feel that teachers should use technology to make it academic in nature for the students?

  6. You make a good point that I noticed but overlooked a bit: the students in the second video were from a specialized Tech high school. I wonder how their experiences in school are different from our own (for those of us who went to public school). And our experiences are (overall) surely different from the girl in the first video, who said she lives in a difficult area with drugs where she is the minority, third in her class. If given the opportunity, would students from the first video do better in that Technical high school setting than they would in their current school?

  7. I also found it difficult to not go over on my bill for texting. My mom was always yelling at me when I was younger. Then she learned that just getting me unlimited texting was the best option. I didn't even realize until reading your blog that the second video was of all technology high school students. Those students are definitely the best students to be talking to about how you can use technology in the classroom.
